Client Advisors

Our business is built on long term, thoughtful and collaborative relationships with our clients.  Client success means that the various professionals and advisors are working closely together for the client’s best interest.   Collaboration is central to our mission.  We welcome the opportunity to work with our client’s team of advisors.

Our business touches every branch of a multi-generational family tree. We strive to be broad in our client interaction and will leverage the expertise of many advisors – accountants, attorneys, wealth planners, investment advisors, etc., to yield the greatest value and success to our clients.

At Lenox, we also help family advisors expand their client networks. We don’t compete with any of our clients’ advisors.  Quite the opposite.  If you are a financial advisor, family office, CPA, Law firm, or other advisor, a collaborative relationship with Lenox can help strengthen and grow your own business. Lenox can financial professionals increase their list of services for their clients, which in turn helps the clients and their team of professionals.

Ready to explore the unique services Lenox offers?